Shoulder arthrosis isjoint disease, which is characterized by degradation, wear and destruction of cartilage, as well as adjacent bone tissues. The disease is also called adhesive capsulitis, humeroscapular polyarthrosis, frozen shoulder syndrome.
The disease belongs to the category of chronic, progressive. At first, the disease develops, as a rule, unnoticed by the patient. At this time, it can be diagnosed only by taking an x-ray. Then the first minor symptoms appear: for example, pain when trying to bring a spoon to your mouth. The symptoms increase, and subsequently the mobility of the affected arm is severely or completely limited. The quality of life of a person decreases, sleep worsens, since it is almost impossible to choose a position in which pain is eliminated.
There are two main manifestations of the disease. The first is pain (first observed during movement, later - at rest). The second manifestation is muscle restriction (contracture). For example, the patient cannot raise his arms or take them back.
Cartilage problems occur in many people. According to statistics, arthrosis is diagnosed in 7% of the population. Arthrosis of the shoulder joint is less dangerous than, for example, arthrosis of the hip joint, but the consequences are still frightening. We are talking about the complete immobility of the hand, and this is a catastrophic inconvenience in everyday life, and unsuitability for most types of work.
The danger of the disease lies in the fact that the harm that it managed to cause cannot be corrected. It is important to identify arthrosis in the early stages of development, and therefore, if the slightest discomfort occurs, start carefully monitoring your shoulder.
For the first time, the pain that has appeared can be tried to be eliminated with medication. Pain can be caused, for example, by awkward movements, heavy lifting or sports. If the pain does not disappear after 3-4 days, go to the doctor. You can first test for joint mobility: make a movement that imitates putting on an apron (put your hands behind your back). If pain is felt at the same time, then a visit to the doctor should never be postponed. Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint is an "insidious" disease, and only your vigilance will help stop it in time.
Causes of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint
- Natural wear and tear of cartilage. The risk group is made up of people over 50 years old, but it is worth paying special attention to the condition of the joints after 40. At this age, it is desirable to reduce the load on them.
- Injuries. The process of degradation of cartilage and bone tissue can trigger mechanical damage. It can be not only one serious injury, but also several microtraumas, which, for example, occur in athletes.
- Playing a sport that puts a lot of stress on the shoulder joint. We are talking about tennis, rowing, swimming, handball, volleyball.
- Circulatory disorders in the shoulder area. It can be caused by diseases, genetic factors or trauma.
- Work associated with the transfer of weights. Arthrosis develops due to constant tension of the muscles of the shoulder joint.
- Rheumatoid polyarthritis, although infrequently, still leads to the development of arthrosis of the shoulder joint.
- autoimmune disorders.
- Endocrine system disorders.
- Some metabolic diseases, gout, etc.
- genetic predisposition. If there are cases of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint in the family, a person needs to limit the load on the joint, undergo examinations with a specialist.
Stages of development of arthrosis of the shoulder joint
- First stage. The joint may occasionally crackle. Pain occurs in the morning and evening. Pain can occur during bad weather. Discomfort during movements exists, but after the "development" of the hand, everything returns to normal.
- Second stage. The motor abilities of the hand deteriorate significantly. At this stage, a person begins to "adapt" his movements to the existing inconveniences: for example, while putting on a jacket, one has to avoid throwing a strong arm behind the back when putting on a jacket. Symptoms of the first stage intensify.
- Third stage. The joint is completely immobilized. The amplitude of hand movements is limited to a few degrees. The pain is felt constantly. Due to the immobility of the joint, the muscles of the shoulder girdle begin to atrophy.
- Fourth stage. The hand is completely immobilized. The joint hardens, and the bones grow together, since there is no cartilage between them. The pain is strong. It is not always removed by painkillers.
Already in the second stage, the symptoms of the disease are clearly visible, and therefore the disease rarely reaches the third and fourth stages. This happens if the patient completely ignores the problem or tries to get rid of it with the help of self-medication. Arthrosis of the shoulder joint is a complex disease that only a doctor can eliminate.
Shoulder osteoarthritis symptoms
- Pain at rest or during movement.
- Discomfort during changing weather conditions.
- Pain after prolonged exercise that lasts a day or longer.
- crunching.
- Stiffness of movement due to pain.
- Swelling of the joint area.
- A feeling of elevated temperature in this area (a sign of an inflammatory process).
- Sleep problems due to inability to lie on the side of the pain for a long time.
Symptoms can vary greatly from patient to patient. Much depends on the cause of the disease and its course. We talked about the main signs that should prompt the idea of visiting a doctor at the beginning: these are pain and stiffness. If you find these symptoms, you should definitely visit a specialist. The intervention of a doctor with such serious symptoms is required, even if it is not arthrosis, but something else.
Diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint
Diagnosis begins with the collection of anamnesis. The patient tells the specialist about the symptoms and when the signs of the disease first appeared. The patient needs to remember whether this discomfort was preceded by injuries, bruises, dislocations.
Next, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the affected area. At this stage, swelling and other visible manifestations of arthrosis of the shoulder joint can be determined. In order to assess the mobility of the joint, the doctor asks the patient to undergo primitive tests. For example, bring your hands to the lock behind your back. With a high degree of probability, the disease will "manifest" itself already at this stage.
Specialists use hardware diagnostic methods.
- Radiography. Confirms or refutes the diagnosis. Allows you to establish the localization of the lesion, the inflammatory process. Gives information about the distance between the bones: if they are too close to each other, then the cartilage has begun to wear out.
- MRI. Gives information about the condition of tendons and cartilage.
- CT scan. Provides a 3D x-ray of the area being examined, which allows you to evaluate the overall picture.
Modern diagnostic methods not only make it possible to identify arthrosis of the shoulder joint, but also provide information about the stage of the disease and its course. This enables physicians to accurately design therapies.
Treatment of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint
The main task is to stop the development of the disease, improve joint mobility, relieve pain and improve the quality of life for the patient. Consider the methods that doctors use to treat osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint.
- Medicines. Pain relievers are used to relieve pain. Medicines that improve blood circulation are also used (if necessary).
- Gentle driving mode.
- Diet.
- Massage. Metameric (point) massage is especially effective.
- metameric method. Designed by Vladimir Andreevich Bersenev. It implies an effect on the affected neurometamers and, ultimately, on the affected joints. The main procedure is metameric injections that are injected into the affected area. They stop the process of degradation and destruction, improve joint mobility.
As in the case of arthrosis of the knee or hip joint, treatment only works when the therapy is tailored to the patient's individual characteristics, symptoms and stage of the disease. There is no template that is effective in all cases.
Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint is a complex disease, but with a timely visit to the doctor, the prognosis is positive. If you find yourself with the above symptoms, do not postpone a visit to a specialist for later. Each day of delay complicates the treatment procedure and worsens the prognosis. Contact a specialized medical center in which your doctor will develop an individual treatment regimen that will help overcome this ailment.