Arthrosis of the joints is a complex degenerative disease that is associated with the destruction of cartilage tissue inside the joints. This pathological process is the most common joint disease worldwide. According to the latest statistics, it affects about 80% of the population worldwide.
With this disease, various changes and rearrangements occur in the articular ends of the bones for a long period of time, and inflammatory processes develop. As a result, degeneration of the periarticular tissues occurs.
Treatment of arthrosis with folk remedies is carried out in order to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and improve motor functions. But it should be understood that their use does not give an instant effect.
With this disease, the destruction of the joints occurs for a long time, respectively, it will not work to cure them in one or two days. Therapy should be long and systematic.
A few words about pathology
Arthrosis is a disease in which the destruction of cartilage elements and deformation of the bones is noted. It develops most often against the background of trauma, congenital defects of the musculoskeletal system. Also often arthrosis is a consequence of:
- disorders of the thyroid gland;
- metabolic disorders;
- excess weight;
- malfunction of the sex glands.
In medicine, there is also another term - osteoarthritis. What it is? This disease is a type of arthrosis, but has some differences from it. Osteoarthritis is a disease of a chronic nature, during the development of which cartilage tissues, ligaments, subsondal bones, synovial membranes, capsules, and periarticular muscles are involved in the pathological process. The causes of the development of this disease are the same as those of arthrosis, but the symptoms are slightly different.
If with arthrosis pain, swelling and redness are simply observed, then with osteoarthritis there is a deformity of the joint, a change in gait and the appearance of the limb. In other words, osteoarthritis is an advanced stage of arthritis, in which all structures of the joint are damaged. Therapy of pathologies is similar, therefore, considering alternative methods of treating arthritis, they can also be used for osteoarthritis.
Basic rules for home treatment
You can treat arthrosis at home at any stage of its development. But in order for folk remedies to really give a positive result, it is necessary to adhere to some rules:
- The use of alternative medicine does not mean that you need to refuse to take medication prescribed by the doctor, gymnastics and physiotherapy procedures. Folk remedies are only an auxiliary method of treating arthrosis, and not the main one.
- Study recipes carefully. No ingredients can be substituted. If you do not have them, you should look for another way to treat arthrosis at home.
- In no case do not change the amount of ingredients used. Their number must fully comply with the indicators that were described in the instructions.
- In the preparation of "home medicines" you need to use only fresh and high-quality raw materials. Keep a close eye on its expiration date.
- If you need to mix something, use a wooden spatula. Metal inventory, when interacting with oxygen, begins to oxidize.
- For cooking decoctions, it is recommended to use enameled dishes.
- If, in addition to arthrosis of the joints, there are other chronic diseases (heart failure, stomach ulcers, etc. ), be sure to consult your doctor before using alternative methods.
The use of even the best alternative medicine recipes does not mean that you can switch to a regular diet. Nutrition plays a major role in osteoarthritis. During his treatment, you need to completely abandon the products that contain purine. It:
- cocoa, chocolate;
- veal, beef;
- herring, carp;
- beans;
- rice;
- liver, etc.
Coffee and alcoholic beverages with arthrosis should also not be consumed. They contain substances that have a negative effect on the joints, reducing their elasticity and strength. You also need to take care of the drinking regimen. Water helps flush out uric acid salts. And the less of them in the body, the lower the likelihood of edema and severe pain. At least 1. 5-2 liters of water should be drunk per day. You can replace it with mineral water, compotes, fruit drinks.
Alternative Medicine Recipes
Folk remedies for arthrosis must be used for a long time. Sometimes treatment is delayed up to 3-6 months. And only if everything is done correctly, positive results are not long in coming. But even after the condition improves, it is not worth stopping therapy. The result needs to be fixed, and for this it will be necessary to apply alternative medicine recipes for several more weeks.
It is possible to treat arthrosis with folk remedies at home with the help of horseradish. This will require the root part of the plant. It is used fresh in summer and dried in winter. Before starting therapy, the roots should be thoroughly washed under running water, and then chopped with a grater. After that, the resulting mass should be transferred to an enameled container, poured with water so that it covers the raw material by 2-3 cm. Next, the container is placed on a slow fire. It is not necessary to bring the broth to a boil, the roots should simply soften.
Until the liquid has cooled down, it is necessary to moisten a gauze napkin in it, and then apply it in a warm form to the diseased area. Polyethylene is necessarily put on top and a warm bandage is applied. Remove the compress after 1. 5-2 hours. It is not worth keeping longer, as a burn may appear. The procedure is best done before going to bed, as after it it is recommended to provide the joint with complete rest.

Important! Horseradish roots contain substances that irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and eyes. And to avoid trouble, grind it either on the street or in a well-ventilated area. And in order to prevent the occurrence of a burn, it is impossible to put such a compress with horseradish more than 1 time per day. If, after removing it, a slight redness appears on the skin, you should not worry. After 1-2 hours it will pass.
medical bile
To stop joint pain, traditional medicine suggests using a compress based on medical bile. You can buy it at any pharmacy. But to put a compress, in addition to the main ingredient, you will also need:
- iodine;
- honey;
- glycerol;
- 10% ammonia.
All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, transferred to a dark glass container and placed in a place protected from sunlight for 10 days. Shake the container daily. After that, the tincture will be ready for use and you can start setting compresses.
Before each procedure, the tincture is heated in a water bath. While it is warm, a gauze pad is moistened in it and applied to the affected joint. Waxed paper is applied on top, a layer of cotton wool, and then everything is fixed with a bandage. Keep the compress for 2-3 hours. It's best to do it before bed.
Such treatment of the knee joint can improve blood circulation, restore damaged cartilage elements, and relieve stiffness of movements. But he has contraindications and these include:
- the presence of open wounds, cuts, purulent formations on the skin;
- dermatological diseases of various etiologies;
- component intolerance.
cabbage leaf
Cabbage leaves have a pronounced analgesic effect. Therefore, even doctors recommend using them when joint pain appears. And in combination with natural honey, they are able to eliminate the stiffness of movements and improve motor functions.
Use cabbage leaves with honey for setting compresses. To do this, you need to choose fresh and juicy leaves, grease their concave part with honey and attach to the diseased area. A film is necessarily applied on top, and a wool scarf is wrapped on top. Put a compress for the night. Take it off only in the morning. The remaining honey is washed off with warm water. The minimum course of treatment is 30 days.

Important! If you are allergic to bee products, honey should not be used. In this case, it is recommended to use only cabbage leaves. But before putting a compress, they need to be beaten off slightly so that juice begins to stand out from them.
Egg shell and kefir
In osteoarthritis, the joints are deficient in calcium. And this element is very important for them, since it is a "building material", without which the process of formation of new cells is disrupted. And to make up for calcium deficiency, you can use eggshells.
To do this, it must be thoroughly washed, removing all films, dried and ground to a powder with a coffee grinder or blender. After that, the resulting powder must be mixed with 2. 5% kefir so that a slurry is obtained. The finished composition is transferred to a gauze napkin, and then applied to the damaged joint, a layer of polyethylene and a warm bandage come on top. Such a compress is made every day 2-3 hours before bedtime.
This method of treating arthrosis is also aimed at replenishing calcium deficiency in the joints. Chalk is also used for setting a compress. To do this, it is ground to a powder, and then mixed with sour cream or yogurt. The finished mixture is placed on a gauze napkin, applied to the joint, and polyethylene and a bandage are applied on top. Put such a compress also a few hours before bedtime.
Treatment of osteoarthritis with folk remedies also involves the use of elecampane. This plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It is sold in pharmacies. Used to make alcohol tincture. To do this, 50 g of a medicinal plant is poured into 125 ml of alcohol. The resulting mixture is transferred to a dark glass container and infused for 2 weeks in a place protected from sunlight.
After the remedy is infused, it must be filtered. Then place in the refrigerator. It is used for rubbing arthritis affected areas. Rubbing is carried out with light circular movements for 10-15 minutes. After that, the treated area is wrapped with a warm scarf. Such procedures are carried out 1-2 times a day, depending on the severity of the pain syndrome.
Herbs for arthrosis of the joints are used differently. So, for example, you can use fresh dandelion flowers. They also help relieve pain and stiffness. They make an alcoholic tincture. To do this, a glass jar is filled to the top with flowers and poured with alcohol. The remedy should be infused in a dark place for 1 month. After which it should be filtered. Use in the same way as tincture of elecampane.
Important! According to the same scheme, you can prepare a tincture of white lilac flowers. It also perfectly eliminates joint pain and has a decongestant effect.
Talking about what are the most effective means of alternative medicine to combat arthrosis, it is also necessary to mention celandine. Oil is made from this plant. To do this, take fresh leaves and stems of the plant. They are mixed in equal proportions and scrolled through a meat grinder, and then in the amount of 8 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of olive oil.
The resulting mixture is placed in a dark place for 14 days. After it is infused, it can be used to treat sore joints. To do this, the finished oil is applied to the affected area in a small amount and rubbed with light circular movements for 5-10 minutes. It is recommended to use this remedy 2-3 times a day.
Bay leaf
Laurel leaves have the ability to remove excess uric acid salts from the body, which accumulate in the joints, causing inflammation and pain. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to take 12 bay leaves, put them in an enamel pan and pour 400 ml of cold water. The container is put on fire. When the liquid boils, reduce the fire and cook the broth for another 5 minutes.
After that, the broth is poured into a thermos and insisted for another 12 hours. Then it is filtered and consumed completely throughout the day for 3-5 doses. The course of treatment is 7 days. After that, a 5-day break is made, then therapy is resumed. Such treatment is carried out for 2-3 months. The decoction is prepared daily. Its storage period should not exceed 24 hours. There are contraindications:
- pregnancy;
- renal pathologies;
- impaired liver function.
The use of honey improves blood circulation in the affected joint and enhances the synthesis of synovial fluid, which acts as a lubricant. In the case of arthrosis and osteoarthritis, it is used in its pure form for massages. To do this, it is placed in a water bath and heated. During the whole procedure, honey should be warm. It is applied in a small amount to the affected area and begins to "drive" into the skin with the palm of your hand with light tapping movements.
Massage is carried out for 20 minutes. After its completion, the treated area is wrapped with a warm scarf for 1. 5-2 hours. The remaining honey is washed off with warm water. The full course of treatment is 10 sessions. The first 3-4 days massage is done daily, then every other day.
Also, for the treatment of osteoarthritis and arthrosis, honey can be used to apply compresses. To do this, it is mixed with salt in a ratio of 2: 1. The resulting mixture is placed on a soft cotton cloth and applied to the diseased joint. A layer of cotton wool is applied on top and fixing it with a bandage. Keep the compress should be at least 3 hours. It is best to do it before bed.
Oatmeal also helps fight joint pain, relieve swelling and swelling. Use it for setting a compress, pre-boiling without adding salt and sugar. When the porridge becomes warm, it must be mixed with honey so that the consistency is thick and does not drain. The resulting composition is transferred to a gauze napkin and applied to the joint. Polyethylene is put on top, a warm bandage is applied. The compress is kept all night.

pharmacy cocktail
To prepare it you will need:
- alcohol tincture of iodine;
- aspirin.
The proportions are as follows - for 10 ml of iodine 5 tablets. The ingredients are mixed, after grinding aspirin to a powder state, and the resulting mixture is applied to the damaged joint. Put a film on top and fix everything with a bandage. Keep the compress for 2 hours. For best results, it should be alternated with honey compresses.
Healing ointment
Great for relieving pain and inflammation. For its preparation, you will need chamomile flowers, calendula and burdock root. The components are pre-crushed and combined in equal proportions. After that, the resulting mixture is mixed with petroleum jelly so that the composition acquires the consistency of an ointment. Before use, the product must be insisted in a dark place for 2 days. The ointment should be rubbed into the diseased joint 3-5 times a day.
You can supplement the treatment of arthrosis at home with herbal infusions and decoctions. Herbs contain a huge amount of nutrients that contribute to:
- excretion of uric acid salts;
- removal of inflammatory reactions;
- relief of pain;
- repair of damaged tissues.
Among all the alternative medicine recipes, the most effective of them are:
- An infusion of nettle, parsley roots, elder flowers and oak bark. From these plants, a remedy is prepared that is taken orally. Take them in equal proportions, mix thoroughly. After that, 2 tbsp. l. 400 ml of boiling water is poured into the finished raw material and infused for about 30-40 minutes. Take the "medicine" 2 times a day in strained form, 150-200 ml.
- Saber tincture. For its preparation, take the root part of the plant. It is crushed and poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 2. After 14 days of infusion in a dark place, the product is filtered and put in the refrigerator. Tincture is taken 2 times a day for 1 tsp. It can also be used to rub a sore joint.
- Decoction of tricolor violet, nettle, birch leaves. The components are pre-mixed in equal proportions. After that, 1 tbsp is taken from the received collection. l. herbs and pour them with a glass of boiling water. The broth is simmered in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, after which it is insisted for 30 minutes and filtered. Take ½ cup 2 times a day.
Folk remedies effectively help fight pain and inflammation in the joints that occur with arthrosis and osteoarthritis. However, you need to understand that they do not have an instant effect. Only their long-term and systematic use in combination with the main methods of treatment will help to achieve positive results and prevent further progression of the disease.